As if the session lineup weren't enough, check out the other conference offerings!
Come Hang Out:
Trivia Rooms
Mentoring Rooms
A High School Only Room
A College Students Room
National College Fair:
Kent State University
Ithaca College
Northern Michigan University
University of California, Irvine
Ohio Northern University
University of Utah
...and many more!
Featuring Vendors Including:
Theatrical Intimacy Education
Stage Managers’ Associations from Round the World
The Broadway Stage Management Symposium
Kryolan Professional Make Up
Empty/Space Virtual Callboard
Call Q
...and many more!
$50 general admission for all three days credentials
$25 for OVS members with code
$250 University ticket bundle (10 student and one professor ticket)
$200 High School Saturday only Ticket Bundle (10 student ticket and one Teacher ticket – which can be extended to the entire conference).