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Writer's pictureSabrina Hykes

Call for OVS Board Nominations

Interested in serving on the OVS Board? Nominations are being accepted up until September 1st. The following positions are up for reelection this year:


  • Shall have care and custody of the funds of the Section and shall deposit in the name of the Section in such bank and/or trust companies as are designated by the Board of Directors of the Section.

  • Shall collect and receive all due charges and other monies payable to the Section and act as agent for the section to the parent USITT Corporation in the collection and receipt of all dues, charges and other monies payable to the USITT Corporation.

  • Shall keep proper books and records showing receipts and expenditures of the Section and of all collections and expenditures on behalf of the Corporation.

  • Will submit appropriate financial reports to USITT so that appropriate tax filings may be made on behalf of the Section.

  • Additional responsibilities as listed in the USITT-OVS Handbook. The Handbook shall specify spending limits audit procedures and other requirements for this office.

Vice Chair of Operations

  • Conduct all elections

  • Function as the temporary or interim Chair should the current Chair be unavailable or incapacitated. If the Section Officers are voting to remove the Chair prior to natural term expiration (as described above) the VC/Operations will preside over the meeting for discussion and the voting process. If the Section is voting to remove the VC/Operations then the Chair shall appoint a replacement Officer to conduct and report the voting outcome

  • Serve as chair of the Nominations Committee

  • Additional responsibilities as listed in the USITT-OVS Handbook.

Vice Chair of Programming

  • Plan, coordinate, and oversee the execution of Organization events related to the Organization’s annual Fall Conference.

  • Coordinate the work of the host site staff in the set-up and display of the Ezekiel Exhibit at conferences. The VC/Programming will coordinate the local host volunteers and the VC/Operations to set up and strike the exhibit materials

  • Additional responsibilities as listed in the USITT-OVS Handbook


Vice Chair of Communications

Coordinate all required communication from the Board to the Membership as well as all communication with the Membership about Organization activities.

  • Ensure continuity of information made available by the Organization to membership or other groups via direct mail, electronic mail, and social media.

  • Be primarily responsible for the communication about any Organization activities working in collaboration with all Vice Chair.

  • Be responsible for sharing news and information about the Organization throughout the Organization’s geographic area

  • Be responsible for timely submissions to the USITT National office and publications including SIGHTLINES

  • Be responsible for approving any use of the section logo, or the name USITT-OVS by the Section or by the individual members for the purposes of promoting activities or information of the Section

  • Additional responsibilities as listed in the USITT-OVS Handbook.

2 At Large Members

There shall be 6 At-Large Members who enjoy the full rights and privileges of Board Membership. At-Large Members assist the Vice Chairs with their work and the projects of the Board in general. At-Large Members are encouraged to be active in the Section committees by serving as the Administrative Assistant of one or more committees to facilitate governance and communication between the committees and the Board as well as complete any additional duties as assigned in the current handbook.

If you are interested in running please email and include a 250 word bio and headshot.

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